You can still smell that new-blog smell

Hi there!

I've created this blog as a creative outlet that enables me to be myself without worrying about being judged.

It's not that I'm going to get controversial or anything - I just want a space where I can publish my cartoon work without it being confused with my more serious artwork. I have no idea why, but if you're a "serious" artist that draws "proper" things, you're not allowed to do cartoons and draw silly shit.

If you do that alongside a portfolio of "real" artwork, for some reason people look down on your other skills to.

Many authors use a pen name for their work (especially if they're writing outside their usual genre). Consider Mokaphil my doodle pen name. 😁

About Me

I'll probably be creating an About Me page at some point but for now, this will serve as an introduction whilst protecting my secret identity.

I started drawing pretty much as soon as I could hold a pen. My teachers were less than impressed at my artistic endeavours during their classes but the jokes on them, now. The benefits of doodling during lessons has been scientifically vindicated. 😉

I live in the UK and I'm completely atheist. I was dragged up in a toxic religion that caused me a lot of damage over the years but thankfully, I managed to break free from it, and, years later, I've managed to purge my brain of the nonsense they put in there. Thank you, science! 

I try to be apolitical because talking about politics is as bad as talking about religion. It just ends in arguments. That doesn't mean I don't have political views. I just don't like discussing them.

I'm probably centrist in my views. I don't think pure socialism or communism is economically possible as long as human greed exists but I find the callous disregard that right-leaning parties favour morally repugnant.

If you're wondering about my name... I like coffee, I love my mokapot and, surprisingly, my name is Phil.

Hopefully I'll get some artwork up soon.

